
  • Month over month: What is it & how is it used? Swoop US

    what is mom in finance

    Read on to discover how to calculate month-over-month percentage change and find examples of the calculations. MOIC is calculated by dividing the total value of the investment (including realized and unrealized gains) by the total invested capital. Fund managers use MOIC to balance their portfolios and allocate capital across different investment opportunities. They may aim to maintain a certain average or targeted MOIC for their overall portfolio, which influences how they distribute their investments. The key difference between MOIC and IRR (Internal Rate of Return) lies in how they measure and express investment returns.

    Understanding Credit Card Meaning: A Complete Guide

    The latter increases exponentially because of the monthly compounding effect. In the 10,000 visitor example, this will ultimately get to a point where the growth is so minimal that growth is minimal and investors aren’t interested. Understanding your app’s retention rate is vital for your business’s longevity. Many businesses fail because they allocate the vast majority of their resources to acquiring new users, without making adequate investments and efforts to retain them. For example, growing from 10 to 30 users represents a 200% MoM growth rate, which sounds impressive. However, this growth may be due to random fluctuations or easily achievable through minimal effort.

    Tracking MoM growth helps you understand if you’re continuously growing. Waiting for quarterly reports could mean going into mid-quarter meetings without actual or current data. The major drawback with the Month on Month comparison is that it can only be used if the financials are not impacted by cyclical or seasonal factors. If the values in the data swing wildly every month, then it can become very difficult to draw conclusions and make forecasts for the future. The difference between the present and past value can be called as the Change in value. Dividing the Change by the Past Value will give us the MoM growth in percentage terms.

    What is MOIC?

    You can even conduct backlink analysis with the help of Search Console. Creating a white label SEO report is a completely different ball game. It can be a daunting task as there is no template to follow, as every business and organization have different goals to measure.

    1. A class of financial intermediary that hires professional investment managers to oversee aspects of a client’s investment fund.
    2. Compound growth flattens your monthly increases over a set time frame so that you get a consistent monthly growth rate.
    3. PI (Distribution to Paid-In Capital) is another metric used in private equity.
    4. Most institutional investment programs use a manager of managers strategy to comprehensively manage assets.
    5. Track your performance over time with ClicData today and save yourself time and hassle.

    How to Calculate Month Over Month Growth

    It is important 9 best investments in 2021 to note that this is just the growth rate over the previous month and it is not an annualized value. We only need basic mathematics to measure the growth on a Month on Month basis. The numbers from the current month can be called as the Present Value and the numbers from the preceding month can be called as the Past Value.

    While YTD shows the 5 major stock investing strategies for value investors the change in the interim period from the beginning of the year to the current date, YoY shows the relative change in a 12-month period compared to the previous year. The most common time comparison metrics in business include the acronyms YTD, MTD, YoY, and MoM. Let’s go into detail about what each one means, how they are used in business, as well as examples of these reporting acronyms in action. Suppose a private equity firm made an investment in Year 0 sized at $85m. The $85m will remain constant since regardless of when the firm decides to exit the investment, the value of the initial investment remains unchanged.

    what is mom in finance

    Understanding Planned Value and Its Importance in Project Management

    Month over month is commonly employed in business and finance to analyse trends, identify patterns, and monitor changes meaning definition types and advantages of eurobonds over time. Simple or linear growth is constant and is measured from the same starting point or base input. So, if you had 10% growth a month off of a base of $1 million in sales in month 1, after month 2 your sales would be $1.1 million + $100,000. Like all things mathematical or specifically statistics related, the method you use to calculate the output can give you very different results, even when you are using the same inputs.

    Month over month (MoM) compares data from one month to the previous month. Year over year (YoY) compares data from one year to the same period in the previous year. On the other hand, a retention rate that grows MoM is one of the strongest indicators of a sustainable business.

  • Премиальный сегмент: почему эскортессы выбирают работу в этой нише

    Индустрия эскорта во все времена привлекала внимание и вызывала множество вопросов. Сегодня мы поговорим о премиальном сегменте эскорта и почему многие эскортессы выбирают работу именно в этой нише. Это увлекательный и загадочный мир, который часто привлекает как клиентов, так и тех, кто предоставляет услуги. Давайте рассмотрим ближе, что привлекает женщин в этой отрасли и какие преимущества они видят в работе в премиальном сегменте.

    Стимулирующая финансовая выгода

    Для многих женщин финансовый аспект играет ключевую роль в выборе профессии. В премиальном сегменте эскорта цены за услуги гораздо выше, чем в обычном сегменте, что позволяет эскортесам зарабатывать значительные суммы за короткий период времени. Это обеспечивает комфортный уровень жизни и позволяет реализовать множество материальных желаний.

    Эксклюзивные услуги и высокие гонорары

    В премиум-сегменте эскорта востребованы эскортессы, способные предоставлять высококлассные услуги, быть идеальными партнерами как для деловых встреч, так и для культурных мероприятий. Это требует определенного уровня образованности, стиля, манеры поведения и внешнего вида. За такие качества заказчики готовы платить щедрые гонорары.

    Престиж и роскошь

    Работа в премиальном сегменте эскорта обладает особым престижем среди женщин, стремящихся к общественному признанию и роскоши. Эскортессы, работающие в данной нише, часто имеют возможность встречаться с успешными и влиятельными людьми, попадать на культурные мероприятия, путешествовать по всему миру. Все это создает особую атмосферу статусности и благополучия.

    Уникальный опыт и возможность путешествий

    Для многих эскортессы премиальный сегмент это возможность получить уникальный опыт и исследовать новые горизонты. Путешествия на яхтах, проживание в роскошных отелях, участие в эксклюзивных событиях – все это доступно тем, кто выбирает работу в данной нише. Это позволяет расширить горизонты, познакомиться с разными культурами и обрести новые впечатления.

    Самореализация и контроль над своей жизнью

    Работа в премиальном сегменте эскорта дает женщинам возможность самореализоваться, проявить свои таланты и способности. Они контролируют свое время, выбирают клиентов, устанавливают условия и границы работы. Это позволяет им чувствовать себя уверенно, независимо и успешно.

    Поддержка и возможность обучения

    Многие агентства и клубы, предоставляющие услуги в премиальном сегменте, обеспечивают своим работницам поддержку и возможность профессионального роста. Эскортессы могут проходить обучающие программы, мастер-классы, повышать свои навыки и компетенции. Это помогает им не только развиваться как специалистам, но и укреплять самооценку.


    Работа в премиальном сегменте эскорта – это не только способ заработать деньги, но и возможность раскрыть свой потенциал, исследовать новые горизонты и познакомиться с интересными людьми. Для многих женщин это становится возможность воплотить свои мечты в реальность и создать жизнь, о которой они мечтали. Необходимо помнить, что это профессия требует высокой ответственности, профессионализма и самодисциплины. Будьте готовы к вызовам и преодолевайте трудности с уверенностью и достоинством.

    Статья дает взгляд на основные причины, по которым женщины выбирают работу в премиальном сегменте эскорта. Важно помнить о том, что каждый выбор несет свои последствия, и решение о работе в данной нише должно быть принято осознанно и ответственно.

  • Legalne Sterydy Anaboliczne Cena – Co Musisz Wiedzieć

    Legalne Sterydy Anaboliczne Cena – Co Musisz Wiedzieć

    W dzisiejszym świecie, wiele osób interesuje się legalnymi sterydami anabolicznymi i ich dostępnością. Często pojawia się pytanie o cenę tych produktów oraz ich legalność. W poniższym artykule przyjrzymy się różnym aspektom związanym z zakupem legalnych sterydów anabolicznych.

    Co to są Legalne Sterydy Anaboliczne?

    Legalne sterydy anaboliczne to substancje, które wspierają rozwój masy mięśniowej oraz poprawiają wyniki sportowe. W przeciwieństwie do nielegalnych sterydów, te produkty są dopuszczone do obrotu i można je nabyć bez recepty. Główne składniki aktywne w takich preparatach często pochodzą z naturalnych źródeł, co czyni je bezpieczniejszymi dla zdrowia.

    Czynniki wpływające na cenę

    Cena legalnych sterydów anabolicznych może różnić się w zależności od wielu czynników. Oto kilka z nich:

    • Skład i jakość produktu – Wyższa jakość składników często wiąże się z wyższą ceną.
    • Producent – Renomowane firmy mogą oferować swoje produkty w wyższej cenie ze względu na dobre opinie i badania kliniczne.
    • Forma preparatu – Sterydy mogą występować w różnych formach, takich jak tabletki, kapsułki czy płyny, co również wpływa na koszt.

    Gdzie kupić Legalne Sterydy Anaboliczne?

    Zakupu legalnych sterydów anabolicznych można dokonać w aptekach, sklepach internetowych oraz specjalistycznych punktach sprzedaży. Ważne jest, aby wybierać sprawdzone źródła, aby uniknąć niebezpiecznych podróbek.

    Przykładowe ceny

    Średnia cena legalnych sterydów anabolicznych oscyluje w granicach 100-300 zł za opakowanie, w zależności od producenta oraz składu. Należy jednak pamiętać, że inwestycja w odpowiednie suplementy powinna być przemyślana i dostosowana do indywidualnych potrzeb organizmu.


    Decyzja o stosowaniu legalnych sterydów anabolicznych powinna być dobrze przemyślana. Zrozumienie ich działania, a także związanych z nimi kosztów, jest kluczowe dla osiągnięcia zamierzonych rezultatów. Pamiętaj, aby zawsze konsultować się z lekarzem lub specjalistą przed rozpoczęciem jakiejkolwiek kuracji.

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    • Oyuncuların daha fazla kazanç elde etme şansının artması
    • Müşteri memnuniyetinin artması
    • Turnuvalara katılımın artması
  • Aviator Game Tips and Tricks Aviator Game Algorithm To Win

    Aviator Game Tips and Tricks Aviator Game Algorithm To Win

    Just remember to avoid betting on high multipliers in an effort to recover losses, as this could result in substantial losses and heightened volatility. To have a successful gaming strategy it’s crucial to manage your money effectively. Before diving into play set a budget and decide on an amount you’re okay with losing.

    Tips for Using Spribe Aviator Prediction Tools Effectively

    We recommend this method to players who do not face financial constraints and have a sizable balance in their casino account. With any luck, you will not only maintain a positive balance, but will also greatly increase your money. All players wager on the same plane, but they have the option to withdraw their profits at any time. The list of active bettors is presented on the left hand side of your screen. As the plane moves forward, you can observe when each player decides to exit the current round.

    Some players thrive on intuition and gut feelings, making decisions based on their instincts and the excitement of the moment. If you have a gut feeling about when to cash out, don’t hesitate to trust your instincts. It’s essential to walk away when you reach your predetermined loss limit to avoid chasing losses and making impulsive decisions. Thus, the outcomes of this provably fair game create an irreversible record on the crypto blockchain system it employs.

    Strategies for Maximizing Wins in Spribe Aviator

    But what happens when these strategies don’t work, and you don’t achieve a win? Let’s delve into the next section to understand the aspects of ‘loss’ in Aviator. This requires a solid grasp of statistical concepts and a keen eye for patterns. For instance, understanding the probability of a certain outcome can help you make informed decisions. Now let’s delve deeper into the mathematical analysis of Aviator. These strategies are vital for keeping the game dynamic, ensuring user satisfaction and increasing game longevity.

    Spribe Aviator: Strategies, Predictions, and Tips for Success

    These strategies can help manage your bankroll and potentially increase your profits, but they also carry risks. The fairness of predictors in gambling games is a topic of discussion. The Aviator game incorporates Fair technology ensuring that each round is fair and random. The outcome of the game cannot be manipulated making it challenging to predict how the Aviator game works. Nevertheless a unique app with predictions can assist players in familiarizing themselves with the game. It’s important to note that one should not solely depend on this tool.

    • If you want to play with cash you have to sign up on the site make your initial deposit and take advantage of the casinos welcome offer.
    • Fast-paced casino games such as this one from Spribe bring exciting changes, updates, and cutting-edge technology.
    • As the name indicates, this is a type of aviation game that employs cutting-edge technology to make online gambling interesting and entertaining.

    However, there are a few instances you can attempt to influence the outcome of the game. It’s tempting to follow the plane up to a 5x multiplier, but you never know when it’s going to fly away. As a result, begin by betting small and hoping for 1.2x multipliers.

    Each round presents a unique opportunity, and the longer the plane flies, the higher the potential reward. There is no guaranteed spribe aviator game download, as the game is typically available on licensed casino platforms rather than through a standalone app. Timing, strategy, and risk management are key to maximizing success. Before wagering real money it’s advisable to test out the mode and experiment with different winning methods in Aviator to find the most effective path to success. The game uses random number generation, ensuring fair and unpredictable outcomes. Although prediction tools may suggest patterns, these are speculative and do not influence the actual gameplay.

    Effective play requires balancing predictions with a solid understanding of risk management and realistic expectations of the Spribe gaming Aviator system. Choosing the right Spribe Aviator game algorithm for success involves considering your risk tolerance, preferred playing style, and the level of engagement you seek. Each algorithm carries its own set of advantages and challenges, so it’s essential to find the one that resonates with you. Keep in mind that success in Aviator is not guaranteed, but with careful strategy and responsible gaming, you can elevate your gaming experience and enjoy the thrill of the game. Many players, especially beginners often believe that there are patterns in the Aviator game that can improve their chances of winning. However it’s important to understand that the games fast pace is driven by an algorithm that is completely random and unpredictable.

    I have great experience in learning sports betting and casino gambling. However, rigorous gaming regulations could pose a hurdle, yet the clarity and fairness of the Spribe algorithm are anticipated to meet the standards set by regulatory authorities. Easy to pick up even for casual players, Aviator pulls you back in with its big payout potential combined with uncertainty on when the exponential climb will abruptly halt. Aviator’s success story serves as a model for others, showing how technical capabilities can fuel popularity when integrated with creative game mechanics. This fresh approach to gaming has attracted the attention of various casino game lovers, propelling Aviator into the limelight.

    How Do Mathematical Analysis of Aviator Game?

    If you’ve discovered a method for earning money in the Aviator 1win game that works for you, feel free to share it in our website’s unique Reviews section. Another internet misconception is that specific Aviator game patterns or signals might predict whether your wager will be successful in the next round. This is not accurate and would not be permitted in any legal casino. While I’m learning how to time withdrawals, I also need to learn how to use the coefficients and multipliers correctly in order to maximize my Aviator wins. Harness the power of live statistics and live bets in Aviator Spribe, especially if you’re a beginner.

    Unlock the full potential of your Aviator gaming with expert tips and tricks designed to enhance your experience and boost your chances of success. In short, the Aviator game data analysis is a complex task, requiring attention to numerous subtle aspects. Let’s now delve into how RNG fits into the concept of ‘provably fair’, which is another crucial part of the Aviator betting game. During my analysis of Aviator game data, I’ve discovered that RNG, or Random Number Generation, plays a significant role in the game’s dynamics.

    If you face another loss the amount would further rise to 320 KES. This pattern continues, with your stake doubling until you achieve a victory. The Martingale strategy is based on the premise that a win is inevitable covering all prior losses. However its crucial to acknowledge that this method demands a significant bankroll as consecutive losses can lead to setbacks.

    Aviator features a plane ascending along a multiplier scale, and your objective is to cash out your bet before the plane crashes. The multiplier increases over time, but it’s crucial to exit at the right moment to secure your winnings. The Labouchere System is a complex strategy for the Aviator casino game that involves betting based on number sequences to determine how much to wager each round. This approach helps players effectively manage their potential wins and losses. This method will not guarantee you a large jackpot in a short period of time, but it will help you feel at ease when playing the game.

    Practice in demo mode or with smaller bets to refine your approach and adapt to changing game conditions. Some players rely on pattern recognition to identify trends in the multiplier’s behavior. They look for patterns in previous rounds and use this information to make informed decisions about when to cash out. Each wager will accumulate different multipliers and can be withdrawn at different moments.

    For you to be able to select the most appropriate strategy, it has to be based on your experience level. Beginners should stick to tactics that aim at reducing risk and those that give them time to learn the mechanics of the game. Advanced players, on the other hand, should be more aggressive and go for tactics that will enhance their capacity for high payout wins. Before jumping straight into advanced strategies, it is necessary to first understand the basic game mechanics of the Aviator game. The gameplay of Aviator is based on an RNG; therefore, each of the game rounds is random. All the pleasure and excitement of a gamer come from this fairness and randomness.

    As you gain confidence and experience, you can gradually increase your bets. Select a payment method that suits your preferences and deposit the amount you’re comfortable with. Your first step is to select a reputable online casino that offers Spribe Aviator. Ensure that the casino is licensed, secure, and well-regarded by players.

    Prepare for the next section, where I’ll discuss the implications and applications of RNG in Aviator game data analysis. As I’ve already said, no signal predictor Aviator tool can forecast results. It comprises a random number generator algorithm for Aviator game.

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    Niektóre z nich są dostępne za pomocą specjalnego promo code. Opowiem jakie rodzaje kodów promocyjnych można znaleźć w ofercie kasyn online. Wyodrębniłam najlepsze oferty bonusowe w kasynach online na Polskie Sloty. W poniższej tabeli zebrałam 7 propozycji z najlepszymi warunkami dla graczy, w tym kody na darmowe spiny bez depozytu. Po wpłacie depozytu o minimalnej wysokości 20 zł, każdy gracz może skorzystać z promocji przez 30 dni. Wszystkie kolejne wpłaty odnawiają pulę obrotów promocyjnych.

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  • Benefits of Chatbots for Higher Education

    How Universities Can Use AI Chatbots to Connect with Students and Drive Success

    chatbot for educational institutions

    The author argues that this is an important distinction in debates around debiasing platforms. Perhaps most worrying is that current UK data privacy regulations allow individuals to request that their data be deleted from an organisation after a certain period. Whilst this may be possible using generative chatbots, the underlying algorithms of the technology will have already learned from the inputted data; thus true deletion of data may not be possible. Whiteley told officials the app included students’ personally identifiable information in all chatbot prompts, even in those where the data weren’t relevant. Prompts containing students’ personal information were also shared with other third-party companies unnecessarily, Whiteley alleges, and were processed on offshore servers.

    Students should be aware that chatbots may occasionally display biases, which could be critically evaluated rather than accepted as objective truths. For example, if a university has an AI chatbot that helps guide students through the process of selecting and applying for courses, the AI should state that it was trained on historical data, including data on which students applied for courses in the past. If, historically, female students were less likely to apply for Computer Science courses, the chatbot might have learned from this data. It could unintentionally discourage female students from applying to these courses. More specifically, when asked about the best courses for them, the chatbot might recommend humanities courses over computer science courses to female students based on past trends. Chatbots used in education are no longer rule-based models, as they employ NLP and ML techniques (Hasal et al., 2021).

    Hybrid Learning

    The focus is then placed squarely on a student’s critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving skills. The millions of users exploring ChatGPT’s uses are simultaneously providing more data for OpenAI to improve the chatbot. ChatGPT is powered by GPT3, chatbot for educational institutions a large language model (LLM) trained on an enormous amount of text data — about 500 billion words to be precise. Large language models work by predicting the next most-likely word when given a list of input words (usually phrased as a question).

    chatbot for educational institutions

    In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, a cutting-edge language model developed by OpenAI, has emerged as a trailblazing innovation, captivating the attention of researchers and practitioners alike. This research paper delves into the transformative potential of ChatGPT, exploring its remarkable advancements and impact ChatGPT across various domains (Aljanabi and ChatGPT, 2023; Thorp, 2023). The journey begins with integrating ChatGPT with other AI technologies, such as computer vision and robotics. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. ChatGPT propels human-computer interactions to new heights by synergizing these cutting-edge advancements, offering unparalleled personalization and intuitive experiences.

    Whistleblower: L.A. Schools’ Chatbot Misused Student Data as Tech Co. Crumbled

    That can let students devote more time to analysis and creative problem-solving. Chatbots can facilitate online discussions, group projects, and collaborative learning experiences, allowing students to engage with peers and share ideas, fostering community and active participation. ChatGPT was created by OpenAI, an independent artificial intelligence research foundation co-founded by Elon Musk in 2015. Released last November, OpenAI’s chatbot is able to create stunningly human-like responses to a wide range of questions and various writing prompts.

    According to FOX Business, public schools in Alabama’s Montgomery County have blocked access to the site as well, and officials are mapping out “guidance for teachers and staff as it relates to readiness in their classrooms.” Henry I. Miller, MS, MD, is the Glenn Swogger Distinguished Fellow at the American Council on Science and Health. His research focuses on public policy toward science, technology, and medicine, encompassing a number of areas, including pharmaceutical development, genetic engineering, models for regulatory reform, precision medicine, and the emergence of new viral diseases. Dr. Miller served for fifteen years at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in a number of posts, including as the founding director of the Office of Biotechnology. Users should provide feedback to OpenAI, Google, and other relevant creators and stakeholders regarding any concerns or issues they encounter while using chatbots. Reporting any instances of misuse or ethical violations will help to improve the system and its guidelines.

    Teachers toss their lesson plans, give students the floor to grapple with Trump win

    Some experts believe software like ChatGPT isn’t going anywhere, and schools should use it to their advantage. This makes reading easy for students with learning disabilities, or ones who speak a different first language other than English. News because they don’t always have a lot of planning time, some teachers are using the software to help create lesson plans and suggest edits to students’ work.

    • Chatbots can also connect students with their advisors or provide information when they don’t want to speak to their advisor in person.
    • Several public and private organizations have been alarmed by the launch of ChatGPT.
    • Henry I. Miller, MS, MD, is the Glenn Swogger Distinguished Fellow at the American Council on Science and Health.
    • Cotton said that in order to ensure their academic paper hoodwinked the reviewers, references had to be changed and added to.

    The first article describes how a new AI model, Pangu-Weather, can predict worldwide weekly weather patterns much more rapidly than traditional forecasting methods but with comparable accuracy. The second demonstrates how a deep-learning algorithm was able to predict extreme rainfall more accurately and more quickly than other methods. “The robots are here and they’re going to be doing our students’ homework,” warned educator Dan Lewer on TikTok.

    Compared to GPT-3.5, ChatGPT4 is more dependable, imaginative, and interactive and can tackle longer passages in one request because of the expanded setting length. Moreover, GPT-4 can handle textual and visual prompts and give both back, although the capacity to employ picture input is yet to be made available to the public. Furthermore, GPT-4 is more than 85% accurate in 25 languages, including Mandarin, Polish, and Swahili, and can write code in all major programming languages. Microsoft has brought out its Bing AI chatbot equipped with GPT-4 (Elecrow, 2023). Alongside answering student queries, the AI Chatbot also offers integrated analytics tools for institutions. These tools allow administrators to monitor usage patterns, identify common queries, and gather insights that can inform future decisions about student services.

    • For both types, there are two important tasks that the chatbot performs on the backend.
    • The proficiency of chatbots generating sophisticated textual responses, solving intricate problems, and composing entire essays could create an environment conducive to academic dishonesty (Tlili et al., 2023).
    • Ammar holds an MTech in information and communication technology from Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur.
    • Breaking down the assignment in this way also helps students focus on specific skills without getting sidetracked.

    Khanmigo could be a useful tool to provide on-demand help with homework, Krajewski said, but could also supplement more robust intervention strategies during the school day depending on what students need and what the school district wants to target. School districts need to think about different tutoring ChatGPT App models and intervention strategies that provide critical support for mastering foundational skills, said Jennifer Krajewski, director of Outreach and Engagement at ProvenTutoring. So far, there has been little research on whether such tools are effective in helping students regain lost ground.

    OpenAI Launches ChatGPT Edu: A Custom AI Chatbot for Universities

    OpenAI has unveiled a new version of its AI chatbot that is designed specifically for universities. This version includes access to the latest AI model and can be customized to meet specific goals or academic areas. Usually technology directors ask about features and what a product can do for students, he said. But they’re beginning to realize that a failed product doesn’t just waste time and money.

    chatbot for educational institutions

    Private HEIs will likely lead the AI revolution, driven by cost-saving, productivity, student satisfaction, and reputation. ChatGPT can revolutionize education, enterprises, and linguistics, offering 24/7 access to virtual mentors with internationally recognized wisdom, fostering inventiveness, and providing discernment into consumer conduct (Dwivedi et al., 2023). Personalized learning experiences, immediate feedback, and language support are also possible with ChatGPT. Dwivedi et al. (2023) urge embracing digital transformation in academia and using ChatGPT to stimulate discussions about fundamental principles. Nevertheless, AI cannot undertake several academic tasks, including creative activities, such as inventing new courses or developing inventive teaching methods, and interpersonal interaction, such as counseling, providing personalized feedback, and resolving student issues.

    Related Articles

    This integration has transformative impacts across various domains (Thorp, 2023). In education, ChatGPT fosters dynamic learning environments, promoting deep engagement and reflective thinking among students, thus creating opportunities for innovative teaching methods (Ollivier et al., 2023). Proper training and awareness programs should be provided to teachers and educators using ChatGPT. They should be familiarized with the capabilities and limitations of the AI chatbot and trained to understand the potential biases (Khan et al., 2023) and errors that can arise from AI-generated content. By being well-informed, they can effectively utilize the tool and address ethical concerns. A thorough paper on ChatGPT is presented by Dwivedi et al. (2023), which includes 43 contributions from specialists across various disciplines.

    The ethical implications of using generative chatbots in higher education – Frontiers

    The ethical implications of using generative chatbots in higher education.

    Posted: Sun, 07 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

    The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author. • Application of inclusion and exclusion criteria to remove irrelevant articles and retain those that meet the inclusion criteria. • Elimination of duplicate articles obtained from different libraries and authors. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Notice and European users agree to the data transfer policy. “That’s just by the nature of having so many digital programs and products and apps and screens and things that don’t lean on the instructor’s expertise as much as just the instructor becoming more of a guide and a facilitator through these products,” Reid added. But one thing it can’t do is give students the answers, according to Khan Academy’s website.

    ChatGPT has entered the classroom: how LLMs could transform education –

    ChatGPT has entered the classroom: how LLMs could transform education.

    Posted: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

    The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. The author would like to re-emphasise that AI itself is not biased; AI systems learn from human-generated data, which can contain bias.

    chatbot for educational institutions

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    1. Recherchieren: Informiere dich umfassend über Anabolika und deren Wirkungen.
    2. Konsultiere einen Experten: Suche Rat bei einem Arzt oder einem erfahrenen Trainer.
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    4. Achte auf deine Gesundheit: Regelmäßige Untersuchungen sind wichtig, um gesundheitliche Risiken frühzeitig zu erkennen.


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  • Price Action Trading Secrets

    secrets of price action trading

    Consolidation signals a period of indecision in the market. Traders and investors may be unsure of the asset’s future direction, so the price remains range-bound. Of course, like any trading strategy, the Ross Hook isn’t a guaranteed win.

    What is the king of all indicators?

    In fact, the price action is the king of all indicators, and as a long-time technician I use it every single time when evaluating a chart. It is vital to follow price and not only the secondary indicators, because there will be times the price action is not in sync, and may lead you down the wrong path.

    Understanding Momentum in Trading

    None of the strategies can guarantee the success of your trading. Strategies are given as models and are transformed by each trader individually. Demand areas occur where buyers have entered the market aggressively. If the price returns to that level, traders will be watching to see if the buying picks up again, pushing the price back up.

    secrets of price action trading

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    The chart phases can be universally observed since they represent the battle between the buyers and the sellers. This concept is timeless and it describes the mechanism that causes all price movements. The trend phase pushes the price upwards, indicating the buyer overhang. The consolidations mark temporary trend pauses; however, a trend is continued until the price does not reach a new high during an upward trend. Corrections show the short-term increase of the opposition.

    Top 3 Secrets For Understanding Price Action

    secrets of price action trading

    But if you learn how to use it properly and combine it with other tools and strategies, it can be a really valuable addition to your trading approach. On the other hand, if prices are making lower lows and lower highs, we’re in a downtrend. If you zoom in even further to the daily chart, you might see even more trends or countertrends within the larger trend.

    1. If the price rises over a period, it is called a rally, a bull market or just an upward trend.
    2. They can help you better understand the markets and make more informed trading decisions.
    3. There have been many profitable price action traders, but it takes time to learn price action strategies, and spot trends, patterns, and reversals.
    4. When it is below 30%, the price is in the lower realm of where it has traded in the last 14 periods.
    5. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
    6. For example, in the chart above, when the price managed to move above the upper side of the flag, that is known as a breakout.

    So there is no broker time that is “better” than the other – just the signals you get slightly vary. The most important point is that you make consistent decisions and don’t confuse yourself by changing between different broker feeds. 4) The bodyCandles with a large body and small wicks usually indicate a lot of strength whereas candles with a small body and large wicks signal indecision. 3) Position of the bodyIs the body of a candle positioned closer to the top or the bottom of the candle?

    First, it can provide an opportunity to enter a position at a favorable price, as the price is trading in a relatively narrow range. The Law of Charts is a concept developed by trader Joe Ross that helps us identify and understand trends in the market. It’s a simple idea that can be incredibly powerful when used correctly. Rather than overloading the reader with too much jargon or complex methods, Teo focuses on actionable, straightforward techniques.

    We get the question of how broker time and candle closing time influence price action a lot. It does not make any difference to your overall trading although time frames such as the 4H or daily will look different on different brokers. At any given time, the price can either rise, fall, or move sideways. And that’s what you’ll discover in today’s training so you can also trade with a naked price chart to better time your entries and exits — without relying on any indicators.

    1. Most traders prefer combining the price-based information about the currency pairs with technical indicators to confirm the market’s trend direction.
    2. As you can see, after a strong bullish rally, the price of Solana consolidated between May and July.
    3. This is because a very steep trend may be unsustainable and could be the result of excessive speculation or buying frenzy.
    4. At this point, you can enter a long position right when the currency pair price breaks above the high of the inside bar.
    5. When buying and taking a long position, a stop loss goes below the recent swing low.

    Rather than simply offering a few techniques, Teo outlines a structured approach to building a trading plan, managing risk, and executing trades. This holistic approach ensures that readers are equipped with the knowledge and tools to implement price action strategies in a disciplined manner. One of the strengths of price action trading is its flexibility. Whether the market is trending, consolidating, or reversing, price action techniques can be applied.

    Today’s video is just really training you to read the price action of the market. Usually, in an accumulation stage where the market goes into a range… Again, this is where just simple technical analysis could come into play.

    But if you zoom in to the weekly chart, you might see that there are actually several smaller trends within the larger uptrend (or no trend at all). Maybe the stock has been steadily rising for a few weeks, then drops down for a few days, and then rises again. Whatever the case may be, you should at least be aware of it. Whether you are an individual forex trader or a part of an organization, join us on the journey towards profitable trading. Additionally, you will find the secrets of price action trading trading methods, resources, and tactics in Price Action Trading Secrets that will enable you to outperform the markets.

    A pattern coined by a trader named Joe Ross, the Ross Hook can be a really powerful tool in your trading arsenal. Overall, the Law of Charts is a simple yet powerful concept that every trader should be familiar with. And sometimes, these trends can conflict with one another. This is why it’s important to use multiple timeframes when analyzing futures.

    If there are uncertainties in the correct application of the trend lines, it is advisable to combine them with horizontal breakouts. Thus, do not trade at the first signal when the price breaks the trend line, but only when the price subsequently forms a new low or high as well. But a secret can also mean things that are common yet overlooked. Like price action itself, something that most investors overlook. While they see a naked chart that signals “lack,” price action traders see an abundance of possibilities, interpretations, and potential outcomes.

    Which chart is most effective?

    Bar charts are one of the most common data visualizations. You can use them to quickly compare data across categories, highlight differences, show trends and outliers, and reveal historical highs and lows at a glance.